Andy Blunden’s Writings

All texts listed on this page are authored by Andy Blunden and may be freely reproduced in any format provided only that the author is attributed. The author retains rights to distribute the material notwithstanding any claim by others, as per the Creative Commons licence, unless they have been published by another publisher already. * marks what I regard as my most significant papers. My ORCID no, is 0000-0001-7122-5811.



Reading Hegel for Social Theory, January 2024
Reading Hegel's Logic, July 2024
The Concept of Capital, September 2024


The reviews below represent my reading of past writing on the topic of the relationship between Hegel's Logic and Marx's Capital, in preparation for two books. The first will review contmporary ideas about this relations based on the reviews below. The second will set out my own view of the relation. Two reflections on the work being reviewed. (1) No one has taken note of the fact that none of Hegel's own studies have "mirrored" the Logic in the way many of these Marxists presume Capital mirrors the Logic, and (2) Although Marx was clearly an afficionado of Hegel's Logic, it appears that he never settled on the problem of the ontological fondations of the Logic.
Review of Geert Reuten's The Unity of the Capitalist Economy and State, January 2024
Review of Arash Abazari's Hegel’s Ontology of Power, January 2024
Review of Fred Moseley's Money and Totality, February 2024
Review of Tony Smith's Hegel, Marx and the Comprehension of Capitalism, March 2024
Review of Roberto Fineschi's On Hegel's Methodological Legacy in Marx, March 2024
Review of Moishe Postone's "Labour and Totality: Hegel and Marx" in Time, Labour, and Domination, March 2024
Review of Hiroshi Uchida's "Marx's Grundrisse and Hegel's Logic", April 2024
Review of Richard Winfield's The Logic of Marx's Capital", July 2024
Review of Mark Meaney's "Capital as organic unity: The role of Hegel's Science of Logic in Marx's Grundrisse", July 2024
Review of Terrell Carver's Marx - and Hegel's Logic", July 2024
Review of Igor Hanzel's The Circular Course of Our Representation", August 2024
The New Dialectic. A reflection on Chris Arthur's Systematic Dialectic, August 2024
Commentary on Ilyenkov's "Abstract and Concrete in Marx's Capital", September 2024
Notes on Geof Pilling's "Marx's Capital. Philosoophy and Political Economy", September 2024
See also Marx’s Capital: a concrete analysis of class and capital, April 2023 and
          Capital through the Hegelian Looking-glass, March 2016


Hegel for Social Movements Course (texts)*

1. What is the difference between Hegel and Marx, (video)
2. In what sense was Hegel an Idealist, (video)
3. What is the subject matter of Hegel's Logic, (video)
4. The substance of human life is activities, (video)
5. The structure of Hegels logic, (video)
6. The life-cycle of an activity, (video)
7. Concepts and activities, (video)
8. Marx's Capital and Hegel's Logic, (video)
9. Class and politics in the 21st century, (video)


Agency in Cultural Historical Activity Theory, February 2023*
Collaborative Ethics (v. 2), March 2023*
Marx’s Capital: a concrete analysis of class and capital, April 2023
“Transferring” formal knowledge to the workplace and life outside school, December 2023*

Panel Discussion

The legacy of 1968, with Andy Blunden, Arthur Dent, Alison Thorne by the Platypus Society, June 2023


Activity Theory. A critical overview, April 2023
Supplementary on Units, December 2023



What constitutes “an activity”?, January 2022
Hegel and Civil Disobedience, February 2022
Logic, History and the Germ Cell, Talk at International Friends of Ilyenkov Conference, London November 2022

Audio Talk

Talk on Activity Theory, at ISCAR Summer School, Warnamabool, June 2022



The Life-cycle of a project, May 2021
Human development as seen by Cultural Psychology, August 2021
Why “collective” is the wrong word for social phenomena, October 2021
What is the meaning of prefiguration?, October 2021
As to the Question of System in Hegel, November 2021
Hegel on Cognition and the One, (Talk at Australian Hegel Society Conference) December 2021
Contradictions in Capital, December 2021
Capital's Final Crisis?, December 2021


Understanding Complex Processes, for Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa: Vygotsky e Mudança Social, April 2021
Social Movements as a Phase in the Life-Cycle of a Collaborative Project: A Cultural-Historical Approach by Andy Blunden and John Krinsky, Presentation at the International Social Movements Conference, 7-9th June 2021


Opinion Formation (Introduction), Opinion Formation (Full theory) (The planned research did not proceed)


Hegel, Marx & Vygotsky. Essays on Social Philosophy



What is the difference between Hegel and Marx?, (mobiles)* February 2020
      Qual é a diferença entre Hegel e Marx? (Portuguese)
      ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Hegel y Marx? (Espanol)
      Quale è la differenza tra Hegel e Marx? (Italiano)
The Dynamics of Contention, book review, March 2019
The coronavirus pandemic is a world perezhivanie,* April 2020
As of 2020, the American Century is Over, April 2020
Ilyenkov and Hegel, June 2020
Concrete Historicism as a Research Paradigm,* June 2020
The Unit of Analysis and Germ Cell in Hegel, Marx and Vygotsky,* August 2020
Should Science be partisan?, September 2020
Agency, October 2020
Hegel and the Ancients, November 2020



Prospects for the Regeneration of CHAT,* January 2019
Hegel and Diversity: A Social Justice Perspective, January 2019
Marx, Hegel and Teleology, April 2019
Mediation and Intention in Hegel’s Theory of Action,* May 2019
Commentary on Hegel’s Antimetabole: “What is rational is real and what is real is rational.”, (mobiles)* June 2019
Comments on Thomas Teo’s Critical Psychology, July 2019
The Hegelian Sources of Cultural Historical Activity Theory,* August 2019
Vonney Lancaster (1948-2019), November 2019


Hegel for Social Movements,* June 2019



Remarks on Hegel’s Master-Servant Relation,* January 2018
Note on Marx and Praxis, February 2018
Hegel on the State, June 2018, (Mobile version)
The Meaning of ‘Abstract’ and ‘Concrete’ in Hegel and Marx,* (Mobile version) June 2018
Vygotsky was mistaken about Determinism, Causality and Freedom, (Mobile version) August 2018
In what sense was Hegel an Idealist?,* September 2018
Some Principles relevant to the Evolution of Language, November 2018


Capital and the Ur-praxis of Socialism, (Portuguese)* Sydney, 22-23 February 2018



On Political Representation, April 2017
Hegel On Action, (Mobile version),* July 2017
Review of Heteromation and other stories, August 2017
Spinoza in the history of Cultural Psychology and Activity Theory, (Mobile version), for MCA, November 2017


Origins of Collective Decision Making, 20 min talk
Political Gingervitis: Episode 15, 86 min interview

Notes and Drafts

A note on Marx vs. the philosophers, May 2017
Concluding Remarks, August 2017



The Origins of Collective Decision Making (Synopsis), April 2016
Solidarity (همبستگی)* June 2016, with Lynn Beaton
Translating perezhivanie into English,* for special issue of MCA, November 2016
An Ontology of Social Life,* November 2016


Anthony Giddens and Structuration,* February 2016
Capital through the Hegelian Looking-glass,* March 2016
Virtue and Utopia, review of Benjamin Franks' Anarchism and the Virtues,* August 2016
Response to Simon Lumsden on Second Nature,* December 2016
Response to Heikki Ikäheimo on "Normative Essentialism",* December 2016


Paradigms of Collective Decision Making, talk at Manchester Social Movements Conference, March 2016
How can we grasp a process as a whole?,* for Époque Conference, Ioannina, May 2015
Artefact-mediated Intersubjectivity for a Non-metaphysical Appropriation of Hegel,* for Conference of Australian Hegel Society, Sept 2016

Notes and Drafts

Hegel on Means and Ends, August 2016


Lynn Beaton (1946-2016), June 2016


Talk on Hegel, Marx and Lenin, (audio) May 2016



The Germ Cell of Vygotsky’s Science, in Vygotsky and Marx: Toward a Marxist Psychology, March 2015
Tool and Sign in Vygotsky’s Development,* March 2015
Something worth dying for?* Arena Magazine issue 136, March 2015
Vaccine Hesitancy,* Arena Magazine issue 138, April 2015
Goethe, Hegel and Marx,* (Chinese) for Science & Society July 2015
Leontyev’s Activity Theory and Social Theory,* August 2015
Engeström’s Activity Theory and Social Theory,* August 2015
Fedor Vasilyuk’s Psychology of Life-projects,* August 2015
The Concept of Object,* September 2015
Collaborative Ethics,* (mobile) December 2015
English Revolution and the Quakers, December 2015
Myles Horton and the Highlander, December 2015
Eleanor Garst and Women Strike for Peace, December 2015


The Origins of Collective Decision Making


The Concepts of CHAT,* single PDF with PPT slides and links to reading and videos
The Concepts of CHAT,* video recordings of talks for MSCP, January-February 2015
The Concepts of Activity Theory,* with reading material, for MSCP Summer School, 22 Jan - 9 Feb 2015



The Three Elements of the Concept in Hegel’s Logic, April 2014
Word Meaning is Important, June 2014
Spanish translation: El significado de la palabra es importante
Russian translation: Znachenie Slova
The Problem of the Environment. A Defence of Vygotsky,* June 2014
The Germ Cell and the Unit of Analysis,* June 2014
Activity as Project. The Case of Asbestos,* September 2014
The Invention of the Nicaraguan Sign Language, (mobile version)* December 2014
Matter and Consciousness,* December 2014


Bill Deller (1949-2014), Eulogy 8 November 2014



Power, Activity and Human Flourishing,* January 2013
Spanish translation: El Poder, la Actividad y la Plenitud Humana
Portuguese translation: Poder, atividade e a prosperidade humana
The Proletariat and Self-Emancipation,* February 2013
Vygotsky AND Activity Theory, November 2013
The miracle fiber exposed as a deadly threat, with Lynn Beaton.


Toward a Dialectic of Philosophy and Organization by Eugene Gogol, for Marx & Philosophy. Review of Books, February 2013
On Jodi Dean’s “Society doesn’t exist”, March 2013


Collaborative Projects. An Interdisciplinary Study

Texts for Course

An “Action”, for Hegel + CHAT Symposium, April 2013
Artefacts and Mediation, for Hegel + CHAT Symposium, April 2013
Projects and Concepts, for Hegel + CHAT Symposium, April 2013
Essence: Reflection, Appearance and Actuality, for Hegel + CHAT Symposium, May 2013


Glossary of Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) *



Wittgenstein and Concepts, March 2012
Jamison: the life and death of social movements,* March 2012
Corporate Manslaughter Laws in Australia,* (pdf) May 2012
The Fine Granules of History’s Sediment, in Critical Sociology, June 2012
Project as an Interdisciplinary Concept,* September 2012
The Formation of the Concept of “Collaborative Learning Space”,* November 2012
Non-linear Processes and the Dialectic,* December 2012


Critical Reflections on Contemporary Sociocultural and Activity Issues, for ISCAR Newsletter, October 2012

Notes and Drafts

Ontogenesis, Ethnogenesis, Sociogenesis and Phylogenesis,* October 2012
Commentary on Yrjö Engeström's 7-step process of Concept Formation, in Mind, Culture and Activity, November 2012


Concepts. Part 1, video interview with Anthony Barra January 2012
Concepts. Part 2, video interview with Anthony Barra January 2012


Talks at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Videos of these lectures, January 2011

The Mind from Descartes to Hegel, January 2011
Marx & Modernity: Mind, Culture & Activity, January 2011
Vygotsky & the Concept of Consciousness, January 2011
Is Science a Humanity?, January 2011
Units and Motives in Activity Theory, January 2011
Projects and the problem of Context, (mobile version)*, January 2011
Vygotsky’s Theory of Child Development,(mobile version)* January 2011


The Critical Appropriation of Hegel, July 2011.
Sources of Cultural Psychology: German Science, French Social Theory and American Pragmatism, July 2011.
Vygotsky on the Development of Concepts, August 2011
Brandom on Concepts, September 2011
Review of The Formation of Reason, by David Bakhurst, September 2011
Paulo Freire’s Intellectual Roots: Hegel, October 2011
The Psychology of Concepts, August 2011

Notes and Drafts

Vygotsky on Concepts and Activity, August 2011
What a Concept is, August 2011
On Gary Clark's ‘From Little Things Social Catastrophes Grow’, December 2011


Concepts, A Critical Approach*, (mobile version)



How Hegel put Goethe’s Urphänomen to Philosophical Use, for Hegel, Goethe and the Planet, January 2010
German translation: Wie Hegel Goethes Urphänomen philosophisch nutzbar machte, in Topos Internationale Beiträge zur dialektischen Theorie
The Origins of Cultural Historical Activity Theory,* (Marx Readings) February 2010
The Urphänomen and the Absolute, for Hegel and Religion, March 2010
Hegel’s Psychology,* December 2010


The Psychology of Concepts, July 2010.
The Concept in Hegel’s Logic, August 2010
Concepts, a Critical Approach. Introduction, October 2010


Review of Hegel and Mind. Rethinking Philosophical Psychology, by Richard Dien Winfield. 2010, November 2010
Psychology and the Zeitgeist,* Review for Theory & Psychology, January 2010
Commentary on Editorial in MCA vol. 17, number 1, for Mind, Culture and Activity, February 2010
Heidegger and the Philosophy of Property, April 2010
Hutchins on Trobriand reasoning, June 2010
Social Situation of Development and a Child’s Needs, review of Lydia Bozhovich on Vygotsky, August 2010

Notes and Drafts

The Genesis of the Concept, August 2010.
The Story of the Concept, August 2010
Fictitious Capital, September 2010
The Development of Concepts, November 2010
Vygotsky’s Concept of “Unit of Analysis”, December 2010
On the Criterion of Truth, December 2010


Hegel on Education. A selection of quotes from Hegel.
Notes on Goethe’s Urphänomen, for Hegel, Goethe and the Planet, January 2010
Conversations on perezhivanie, 2010
Notes on perezhivanie, 2010
Mapping of Concepts across Theories, (table) March 2010



From where did Vygotsky get his Hegelianism?, March 2009
Reading “Capital”,* June 2009
Forms of Radical Subjectivity,* July 2009
The Semiotics of Martyrdom,* July 2009
Critical Realism and Reality,* November 2009
Criticisms of Vygotsky’s concept of Activity, December 2009


An Interdisciplinary Theory of Activity

Notes and Drafts

Ethics and why the Financial Crisis is insoluble, revised book review for Arena Magazine, January 2009
Aggregate Demand, February 2009
Hegel and Activity, March 2009
Goethe’s Romantic Science, March 2009
Marx and Activity Theory, April 2009
Vygotsky’s Critique of Psychological Science, May 2009
Soviet Cultural Psychology, June 2009
Spanish translation: Psicologia_cultural_sovietica
A Differentiated and Re-integrated Gestalt, June 2009
The US exploits the rest of the world to postpone its own civil war, June 2009
When is a concept really a concept?, September 2009
Vygotsky's view on Scientific and Everyday concepts, October 2009
Emancipatory science, December 2009


Genealogy of Cultural Historical Activity Theory,* November 2009



Vygotsky's Idea of Gestalt and its Origin, in Theory & Psychology, March 2008
Claude Lévi-Strauss: Anti-Historicism and the Algerian War, May 2008
Foreword to Hegel’s Logic,* for Erythrós Press, July 2008
An Interdisciplinary Concept of Activity,* in Critical Social Studies. Outlines, September 2008
Vygotsky's Unfinished Theory of Child Development, for Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition , July 2008

Notes and Drafts

The Semiotics of Suffering, March 2008, on Kevin Rudd's 2020 Conference, April 2008
Social Movements, Science and History: A Response to Eugene Matusov, for “Culture & Psychology,” August 2008
Getting under the Skin of Liberalism, book review for Arena Magazine, August 2008
Two disasters is better than one, October 2008
Collaboration for the sake of it, October 2008
Now is an ideal moment to reinvest in public housing, October 2008
Contribution to an xmca discussion on CHAT and sociology, November 2008



The Subject Matter of Hegel’s Logic,* a response to An Introduction to Hegel, by Stephen Houlgate, March 2007
Hegel on “state of nature”, April 2007
Masters, Servants and Mediation, May 2007
Hegel, Recognition and Intersubjectivity,* a response to Hegel’s Ethics of Recognition, by Robert R. Williams, May 2007
The Missing Mediation in Pragmatic Interpretations of Hegel* for ASCP Conference, (video) December 2007

Notes and Drafts

The Subject, Draft of unfinished book
Can an organisation have an intention?, January 2007
Althusser’s Subjected Subject, February 2007
Hegel and the Master-Servant Dialectic: Commentary on excerpts from Hegel, April 2007
The Young Hegel against Liberalism, June 2007
Noel Pearson and John Howard’s proposals for Indigenous Welfare, June 2007
The Nature of Hegel’s Spirit, July 2007
The Abstract General and Social Solidarity, July 2007
How is rational discussion possible on a mass scale?, August 2007
The Individual as a Bearer of Rights and Duties within a Pragmatic Hegelian conception of Subjectivity, October 2007
Sources of Activity Theory, November 2007


Hegel: The First Cultural-Historical Psychologist (video), October 2007



Marx and Class Consciousness, Talk at Socialist Party Summer School, (Mobile version) 4/5th February 2006
Why Marx was not an Atheist, talk to the Atheist Society, (Mobile version) June 2006
Critical Theory and Psychology,* June 2006
Free Will and the Analytical Mind*, a review of Mind. A Brief Introduction, by John R Searle, July 2006
Modernity, the Individual and the foundations of CHAT, for Mind, Culture and Activity, November 2006


“All that is Solid Melts into Air ...”, for Hegel Summer School, February 2006


Marx: The Alienated Subject, Chapter 9 of The Subject, January 2006
C S Peirce: Semiosis, the Subject as Sign-Activity, Chapter 10 of The Subject, March 2006
The Subject: Philosophical Foundations, Chapter 11 of The Subject March 2006
The Politics of Happiness, a response to Clive Hamilton, Quarterly Essay, March 2006
Overview of a dialogue between scientists and humanists, Les Treilles, France, May 2006
The Subject of Consciousness, for Journal of Physiology, Paris, May 2006
The Individual, Chapter 12 of The Subject, November 2006
Neuropsychology, Chapter 13 of The Subject, August 2006
Phylogeny, Chapter 14 of The Subject, August 2006
The Feeling Neurobiologist, a review of Looking for Spinoza, by Antonio Damasio, August 2006
On periodic processes in history, for Independent Social Research Network, September 2006
Wallerstein: Utopistics and Simplistics, for Independent Social Research Network, September 2006
Individual Agency, review of paper in Mind, Culture and Activity, October 2006



Subjectivity, Recognition and Objectification, talk at Hegel Summer School, 18 February 2005
The Poststructuralist Subject, review of Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist Theory, by Chris Weedon, April 2005
The Cult of Safety,* published in Arena Magazine, April 2005
Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason, May 2005
Subjectivity, Redistribution & Recognition,* published in Recognition in Politics, March 2007
The Semiotics of Martyrdom,* published in Arena Magazine, February 2006
False Heroes and Villains,* July 2005

Notes and Drafts

Subjectivity and Semiotics, January 2005
Why the Anxiety?, submitted to Eureka Street, January 2005
On Method, February 2005
Introduction to “Marx Myths and Legends”,* March 2005
Review of Moshe Postone's Time, Labor, and social domination, March 2005
Hegemony and Amphictony, May 2005
Nancy Fraser’s Status model and the Identity model of Recognition, June 2005
Judith Butler’s Abstract General Subject, review of Contingent Foundations, by Judith Butler, August 2005
Foucault’s Discursive Subject, September 2005
Is Poverty a Linguistic Construct?, published in Arena Magazine, October/November 2005
What is Poverty?, November 2005
The Subject. Introduction,* October 2005
The First Subject: Aristotle, October 2005
The Renaissance Subject, October 2005
Kant: The Sovereign Individual Subject, November 2005
Johann Fichte: The Subject as Activity,* December 2005
Hegel: The Idea of the Subject, December 2005
Hegel: The Subject as Concept, December 2005
Hegel: The Subject as Self-consciousness, December 2005



Solidarity, Recognition, Subjectivity and Mediation, Hegel Summer School 20th February 2004
Social Solidarity vs Social Capital,* talk at Capacity Building Forum, July 2004
What’s wrong with “social capital”, talk at New International Bookshop, 12th May 2004
Recognition, Trust and Emancipation, talk to Atheists Society 10th August 2004
The Politics of Fear, talk for Rural Australians for Refugees, November 2004


Nancy Fraser on Recognition and Redistribution,* March 2004
Dependency: The need for an historical Critique,*, published in Arena April 2004
Bourdieu on Status, Class and Culture, (mobile version)* May 2004
Capital Investment, published in Eureka Street, June 2004
Some Comments on the Blue Book on Social Capital, published in Arena July 2004
A different way of building ‘social capital’, published in D!SSENT Spring 2004
The Politics of Fear,* submitted to Arena Journal, November 2004

Notes and Drafts

Tony Vinson on Social Cohesion March 2004
Mark Latham, Mass Capitalism and the Stakeholder Society April 2004
Equality of what for whom? submitted to The New Internationalist April 2004
The problem of status orders, June 2004
Kicking Australia’s welfare recipients, published in Arena Magazine, February 2005
19 Theses on the Politics of Scaremongering, October 2004
Recognition, November 2004

Unfinished Book

Social Solidarity versus Social Capital,* Draft April 2004



For Ethical Politics,* February 2003


Political Liberalism: Review of John Rawls’ book,* March 2003
Amartya Sen: Review of Amartya Sen on well-being and critical voice,* March 2003
Fukuyama: Review: Fukuyama on Recognition and Trust,* May 2003
Justice and Tradition: Review of Alasdair MacIntyre’s Whose Justice? Which Rationality?,* May 2003
Lindsay Tanner: Review of Lindsay Tanner’s Open Australia, March 2003
Mark Latham: Review of Civilising Global Capital, May 2003
Globalisation and its Managers: Review of several books on Globalisation, May 2003
On Social Capital: Review of several books on Social Capital, July 2003
In the beginning was the Word: On Habermas’s Inclusion of the Other, August 2003
Honneth’s “Struggle for Recognition”, December 2003


Towards a Critque of Alliance Politics, Hegel Summer School February 2003
Ethical Politics, talk for Radio National, October 2003
Definitions of Ethical Politics, (Speaker’s notes) October 2003


Ethical Politics and Alliance Politics, Arena Magazine, Dec 2003



What is the most important question of social science?, for Argentinian discussion
The Vygotsky School, talk for Hegel Summer School, 23rd February 2001
Practical Dialectic, contribution to Panel, 24th February 2001
Overview of Ethics, opening discussion on Ethical Politics, March 2001
Property, preparatory article before Hegel Summer School 2002


Drafts and Notes

Getting to Know Hegel, talk at Hegel, Marx and Derrida, Hegel Summer School, 18/19 February 2000
The Encyclopedia
The Historical Fate of Hegel’s Doctrine
The Abstractions We Build for Ourselves
The Social Relations Determined by Capital


Is Marx really Necessary?, dialogue with Neville Spencer, 23 March 2000


Couldn’t we Live Perfectly Well Without Money? for Public Meeting, 15 Sep 2000
Building for Collaborative Learning, talk to staff at Melbourne Uni., 18 October 2000


Unfinished Drafts for a book

Capital, Labour & Class Struggle
in the period of postmodern capitalism
Labour & Capital
Organisation of Capital
Voluntary Organisation
Class Struggle


The Logic of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Hegel Seminar, 18th June 1999
Postmodern Capitalism, for Rethinking Marxism, Woolongong 11 Nov 1999



Knowledge & Value
Knowledge for Sale
Liberation Epistemology
Classical Epistemology
The Value of Mathematics
Perception under the microscope
Knowledge & Value
Essence as Value
Theories of Value
Dutch translation: Theoriëen over waarde
Ethical Values
National Values

1997 and before


Meaning of Hegel’s Logic


Vygotsky and the Dialectical Method.

Barbed Wire, a column in Militant

Hanging out to dry, July 1997
I’ll have what she’s having, October 1997
The Archbishop and the Pimp, November 1997
Startling New Poll Findings, February 1998
Welcome students to Philosophy 101, March 1998
Labour Hire, April 1998


Stalinism: Its Origin & Future,* 1993


End of an Illusion, 30 August 1991
On the Class Nature of the Soviet Union, 9 August 1991


Beyond Betrayal, 1991


Planned Economy and Workers Control, talk to meeting of Trotskyists, March 1991


Review Article: Quantum Mechanics proof of dialectics, denial of positivism, Labour Review, August 1980
Correspondence: Scientists and the Dialectic, Labour Review, May 1982
Review of “Marx's Mathematical Manuscripts”, Labour Review, June 1983
Real Time Spectrum Analysis, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, October 1983
Dialectics and Mathematics, Labour Review, February 1984
1986 Poster, Revolutionary Morality, April 1986
Revolutionary Morality, April 1986
My Experience with Trotskyism, 1986
The Vietnamese Trotskyists, Trotskyism in Vietnam, June 1987
The Chinese Road to Socialism, ReD, June 1989

From my earlier Life

My discoveries in Mathematics
Excerpt from PhD Thesis: On the use of Statistical Models in Engineering and On the validity of the Probablility of Extremes (1971)
Hitchhiking Stories (1967)
Report of my first political speech: The Guardian, 14th July 1966.
Photograph of my first political act: Burning Draft Card, March 19th 1966 and subsequent speech, a video interview on these days.

My first published articles: The Vagrancy Laws, 1965
and: A Parable (about conscription for the Vietnam War), 1966